What is Lymcoin? Mauris id nibh eu ex blandit blandit. Cras vitae tempor lectus, sed condimentum diam. Praesent a eros nisl. Curabitur in tempus urna. Nam tempor fringilla finibus. Curabitur vehicula purus mauris, eget convallis massa gravida vehicula. Nullam ut mi sed augue porttitor posuere et ut justo. How does Lymcoin have value? Mauris id nibh eu ex blandit blandit.…

Download App What is Lymcoin? Mauris id nibh eu ex blandit blandit. Cras vitae tempor lectus, sed condimentum diam. Praesent a eros nisl. Curabitur in tempus urna. Nam tempor fringilla finibus. Curabitur vehicula purus mauris, eget convallis massa gravida vehicula. Nullam ut mi sed augue porttitor posuere et ut justo. How does Lymcoin have value? Mauris id nibh eu ex…

Credit card
To top up your account follow the below steps
1. Click on Top up account
2. Select the predetermine amount you wish top up
3. Enter your credit card details
4. Submit
5. Your balance will be automatically updated.
1. Go to any of the participating gas stations
2. Tell the cashier you wish to top up your gaspay account
3. Provide the cashier with your mobile number associated with the account or your name
4. Cashier will confirm that your account exist
5. Pay cashier the amount you wish to up
6. Cashier will top up your account
7. Your balance will be automatically updated and you will receive a notification